INSTITUTE OF APPLIED METAPHYSICS            Where One Comes to Know


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  IAMPress - Publishing

Books Published by IAMPress 


The Rules of the Game Renford  


The Rules of the GameThe Rules of the Game is a booklet, which introduces the Universal Laws in the simplest manner possible.  It is not an in-depth study, but provides a basis for understanding of the Laws and the Renford Books. The game of football or any game are shown to be analogous to the Laws of Life and the quotes illustrate that even on the simplest everyday matters of life, these Laws are in play. (Available by e-mail to anyone who sends their email address and request it.  It will also be available in paperback) 


The Core Teachings Renford  


COR DocumentThis book identifies thirteen Universal Laws that were taught by the Great Masters.  The emphasis is on how their teachings were alike as opposed to how they were different.  Readers and students can see for themselves how the original teachings parallel each other.  In the process, what has been added can be identified.  To some degree there is an introduction to the Universal Laws in virtually all of the Renford Books, but in The Core Teachings there is a more in depth study of the Laws. (Available in manuscript form for Masters students of the Institute only) 




The Father Confusors Renford 


This is a study of ancient scripture and the parallels that can be seen in related stories.  It is the second phase of the study program and builds on the lessons learned from The Universal Laws.  Once the Universal Laws are understood, at least on a basic level, Universal Being vs. The Father Confusors helps differentiate between Universal Being, God, and entities that were thought to be God or posed as God.  The First Cause, The Creative Force we call Universal Being, is identified through the Divine Self-Expression, the Universal Laws.  (Currently available only to Masters students of the Institute in manuscript form.  It will be available in paperback) 


The Metaphysical Bible Renford 


The Metaphysical BiblePopular and familiar passages such as Isaiah 55, the Lord’s Prayer, the 23rd Psalm and others are revealed in a different light.  The deeper and, with all due respect to theologians and philosophers, clearer picture of what was being said is recorded for your study.  Many of these interpretations can be found in elsewhere in the Renford Books.  They are, however, all together and in an easily understandable order in this book.  (This book will be available in paperback form by mid 2003.  It is currently available to Masters students only) 


In Search of Self – Renford
In Search of SelfThis is a book of prose and poetry by Renford that parallels the other books in the study of the Universal Laws. You will find that one of these Laws states that to truly understand anything one must experience it personally. In Search of Self is the rendering of the Laws in a different way to allow the opportunity for these books to key off memories of how the Laws have been in play in your life experiences. (This book is available in paperback on international listings.) 


What Now? Essays Renford 


Included in this book is a series of essays by Renford on a variety of subjects of contemporary interest.  Always, even though the subject matter is of present day concern, the power and harmony that can be gained by understanding of the ancient teaching of Universal Laws are applied.  (Available only to doctoral students of the Institute) 


The House That Namuh Built Renford 


The House That Namuh BuiiltThe creation of meaningful allegories, in fact, the writing of allegories, is an art form that some think is disappearing.  When you do find a good allegory that is expressing a Universal Principle, it can have a powerful affect on your life.  The House That Namuh Built is about first a man, and then a whole people who begin on the path of Self-discovery.  Again, it is about the Universal Laws, the invariant facts of life, upon which we can base our understanding for Self-discovery.  (Available in paperback form on international listings and bookstores everywhere.) 


The Laws of Material Wealth Renford 


The Laws of Material WealthThis book was written for those who are pondering career changes or contemplating going into business for themselves.  It applies Renford’s understanding of the Universal Laws with his experience working with entrepreneurs, especially in start up situations. (This book accompanied by workbook sold separately.  There is also a power point presentation in outline form on CD.) 


The River of Life Renford  


The River of LifeThis book is primarily written in verse.  It is about the eternal nature of being.  Christian dogma starts the clock on the nature of being with physical birth and this essentially denies the word eternal except in terms of an eternal reward or punishment.  This book points to the fact that the word eternal means without beginning or end.  (This book is in production and will be available in paperback by mid 2003) 




The Mysteries Revealed – Renford 


The Mysteries RevealedThough most consider the Book of Revelation simply to be a book of riddles, there are those who teach a religion of fear based upon it.  The Mysteries Revealed is a metaphysical interpretation of the Apocalypse of John – the revelation of Jesus.  It is a roadmap to self-unfoldment.  It is the mysteries revealed.  (This book is available in paperback and e-book.  It is on international listings  




Unity Principles Renford  


Unity PrinciplesResearch of the writings of Charles Fillmore and Emilie Cady pertaining to the Universal Laws resulted in the writing of Unity Principles.  The Unity Movement was dynamic and part of what some call, New Thought.   As it became more established with its own theological seminary and ministerial program, 5 principles have emerged as key Unity Principles.  With this study by a not Unity Minister, the author provides a different perspective of the Unity Principles.  



Bert D – Hard Hat Inebriate Scholar – by Al Steckman 


This book was published in the 60s and is a biography of Bert Davis, the founder of Harbor House in Memphis, Tennessee.  Based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Harbor House has meant the difference in life or death for 1000s who have graduated. Bert Davis’s life was the struggle of a man for sobriety and Harbor House was his life.  (This book is in paperback form and available through IAMPress on a limited basis.  The distribution of this book is privately held by Harbor House.) 



Love Lost and Found – Gordon Pilet Phd., LCSW and Cary Pilet, ARNP. MSN 


In this book 12 rules are outlined that can make a dramatic difference in your relationships. It is focused on eliminating the most damaging assortment of interesting but irrelevant issues that people unintentionally introduce into their lives.  This book is designed to increase your awareness, enhance relational harmony, and restore positive well-being.  (Love Lost and Found is an 8 and half by 11 manuscript workbook that is available through bookstores.  It is featured prominently in lectures and workshops conducted by Gordon and Cary Pilet.) 



Twenty Minutes to Making a Good Speech – Frank Byrd 


Mr. Byrd is a retired attorney and personality in Memphis.  He was active in the Toastmasters and felt that his little book should be available to anyone who might have to speak.  Thursday mornings, immediately after Mass, Mr. Byrd and his wife host an open invitation to a waffle breakfast at his home where one can meet well known and accomplished personalities in the community.  (Available through bookstores in paperback form) 


One Bone Rattle – David Putnam 


One Bone Rattle is a novel about events based on real people entwined in truth and legend, drawing from his father’s life and his own.  The scene shifts but it is based in New Orleans with flash backs.  There are shades of the paranormal and good old mystery writing interspersed with action.  It makes for entertaining reading. 



Poet Soul – Rev. J.V. Steele PhD 


Jim Steele is the former Pastor of Unity Christian Church in Memphis Tennessee.  This book of poems and prose trace his own soul development and understanding. 



POWerful Memories – James Carman 


Powerful MemoriesMr. Carman is a veteran of both the European and Pacific theatres of World War II.  He  served in the Marine Corp, the Army and the Air Force.  His book traces the lives of Edwin Pelz, Mrs. Pelz as well as Mrs. Carman and his own.  Mr. Pelz had been a prisoner of war in Memphis and was later awarded the keys to the City of Memphis. 





Searcher’s Road Map – Renford 


The Searchers Road MapThis is a book that introduces the Institute  of Applied Metaphysics, the Universal Law Society and the Church of Revelation.  It is also introductory to the Renford Books.  It is about how we are alike as opposed to how we are different. 






The COR Document – Renford 


The COR DocumentThe COR Document is a comprehensive look at why the Church of Revelation was formed, its structure and its purpose. 








Walking in the Light – Rev. Bernard Dozier 


Walking in the LightWalking in the Light is a down-to-earth book of 365 daily readings. This book is a daily companion designed to bring forth a much brighter side of yourself … and of life itself. 







The Five F Principle – Michael Cunningham 


The Five F PrincipleMr. Cunningham has produced a book dealing with relationships – especially directed to African American men and women but definitely readable by any adult. It is about established attitudes and reactions. He chides males for the typical approach that has become common for athletes and he chides females for believing them. 






Other books have been published under the private label of the authors or reprinted for books out of print. 


There is a separate agreement for marketing and distribution.  The Marketing Package will be sent upon request.



Click Below for your FREE Download of the Searcher's Road Map!

The Searchers Road Map


Click Below for your your FREE Download of the COR Document!


COR Document


If you are Looking for your Free Download of the Unity Principles... Click Below


Unity Principles Free Download



Check out the Long Awaited Father Confusors by Renford


The Father Confusors