INSTITUTE OF APPLIED METAPHYSICS            Where One Comes to Know


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What is the philosophy of the Institute?  Where are the Universal Laws found?  Are the Laws like the Ten Commandments?  What are the Universal Laws?  Why are they so important to identify and verify? 


The Institute, while not a religious organization, recognizes the contribution of many religions and philosophies in the effort to understand Universal Being, the Divine Self-expression, and the purpose of life.  It provides an avenue where one can identify and verify the Universal Laws in life experiences. 


Where the Laws are absent, or the context is not in harmony with the Laws, it is a “ho hum” book.  Only the Laws have the power to attract and move people in an appreciable way.  When doctrines and dogmas are removed, these pristine principles are seen to be the only real guide. 


Our objective is to encourage each person to identify these principles that have always been present. Each must confirm the existence of the Laws based upon his own life experiences.  This work on Self is our primary purpose and there are no short cuts. Fundamental to our efforts to know God is our understanding of who and what we are.  We can begin with just a basic understanding of what the Universal Laws are: 


1)   The Universal Law of Being shows us that we have certain innate powers with which we can come into harmony with the Universal Laws.  A single cell in our body can be used to create another individual just like us.  In other words, all the power to recreate us is in one cell.  Likewise, we are cells of Universal Being and all the power of Universal Being is in us for creation.  Creation is not over.  We are the continuing creation. 


2)  Most religions espouse some form of duality. Duality creates an adversary who is comparable to God, but what we call evil comes from the absence of light or ignorance.  Where there is the absence of light there is fear.  Fear is at the root of all our failures and all our problems.  The only power fear has is the power we give it.  There is only one power in the Universe and that is Universal Being.  This is the Universal Law of Absolute Unity.  


3)  We have to recognize that everything in life appears to depend upon our attitudes and the position from which we are observing.  The Universal Law of Proper Perspective is a fact as permanent in our lives as the physical law of gravity. Life is made up of, and is the result of, the choices we make.  When we are aware of who we are and what we are, our perspective is very different from our relative, mechanical and physical perspective. 


4)  The brain is a great instrument but that is all it is, an instrument of the mind or the Being utilizing the body.  The Universal Law of Pure Potentiality goes beyond the saying that “anything the mind of man can conceive and believe – it can achieve”.  Thought creates form and without thought there can be no form. All thoughts create constructively or destructively, one as easy as the other.  We are to take full responsibility for what we are creating – our lives. 


5)  Belief can be negative or it can be positive.  Blind faith can lead to disaster and all the knowledge in the world without the faith to act is useless.  The Universal Law of Believing and Knowing brings one to the realization that belief and knowledge are two sides to the same coin.  In fact, belief and knowledge equal wisdom. 


6) When we take responsibility for what we have attracted, it is easier to see The Universal Law of Abundance.  We have already been given everything we could possibly want and it has always been there for the taking.  We need only come into harmony with the Laws.  This is not a world of shortages.  The only limitations we face are the ones we create and believe. 


7)  The ultimate “blame game” is to lay the fault with God.  “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.”  In other words, everything is God’s fault. Our lives are a series of obstacles that constantly bombard us and we fend off disaster or succumb to the will of a harsh God.  The Universal Law of Attraction, when understood, gives the lie to this doctrine.  This Universal Principle means that we attract what we require, when we require it, and for our evolution and unfoldment. 


8)  Taking hard and fast positions of an absolute nature can be dangerous to our spiritual unfoldment, but to fall back on the claim that everything is “relative” is a way of avoiding individual responsibility.  The Universal Law of Relativity is a fact we come to know – that every action has a reaction and all is related to all. 


9)  We must move past the idea of reward and punishment because we do not need a fear based attitude toward God. True understanding of karma is simply an understanding of balance. Where we have spiritual imbalances, The Universal Law of Balance and Equalization constantly attracts the experience we require for our learning. 


10)  No one of sound mind will dispute the value of experience. The Universal Law of Evolution and Unfoldment when understood explains our purpose for being here.  Jesus called these understood life experiences “treasures that are to be laid up in heaven instead of treasures on earth where thieves and weather can get to them.”  Our understood life experiences are all that we take with us. 


11)   The Universal Law of Giving is a truth.  In order to receive abundantly, we must give.  Successful people recognize fairly early in life that you get out something what you have put in to it and usually in multiples. 


12)  Metaphysical studies are for those who desire contact with the real world.  The Universal Law of Righteous Self-interest has to do with fulfilling our primary purpose for being here: “To thine own self be true.” 


13)  According to the Masters, The Universal Law of Love is the interconnecting energy.  It is the make up of God.  Quantum Physicists call it a unified field, Native Americans named it “all that is” and the Chinese call it Tao.  Jesus said it was the way, the truth and the light. 












The Universal Laws were so important that all of the sayings of Jesus and all of his parables were explanations and illustrations of these Laws.  All the stories of Buddha pertained to the Laws.  The Vedas are pure Universal Laws and even the father of Science, Aristotle, wrote a book about them he called The First Philosophy. There is something critical about these Laws that goes beyond any discipline, any doctrine and any dogma.  There is simply nothing more important for us to understand than how to be in harmony with them.

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